Senin, 24 November 2014

Reading Novel

Reading Novel is My Hobby
By : Fridalia S.H

I like reading novel very much. Actually, i do not know the reason why I like that. I just feel, when i read a novel, i can feel what never i feel before, and I get another happiness and sadness that never I get before. 

I like all genres of novel, especially romance and islamic motivation. The best novels I ever read are “I FOR YOU” by Orizuka, “Assalamu’alaikum,Beijing!” by Asma Nadia, “Uhibbuka Fillah”, “Kinanthi” by Tassaro GK, and “Negeri 5 Menara” by Ahmad Fuadi. I am never bored to read even reread those novels.

I am addicted t read novel again, and again. I like reading novel since I was in five grade in elementary school. At that time, my mother’s friend borrowed her novel, the title is Laskar Pelangi, and I tried to read that book. When I finished reading taht book, I am addicted to read fiction story again, and I am also addicted to collect some novels.

I always read novel in almost every leisure. Yet, it was in the past. Now, since I am in Pontren Karakter Muda Mapan Adh-Dhua, I do not have free time even just for do my hobby. It’s very sad. I really miss reading novel. Yet I realized what I am doing now here is more than useful than reading novel for my future. I hope so.

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