Senin, 24 November 2014

Reading Novel

Reading Novel is My Hobby
By : Fridalia S.H

I like reading novel very much. Actually, i do not know the reason why I like that. I just feel, when i read a novel, i can feel what never i feel before, and I get another happiness and sadness that never I get before. 

I like all genres of novel, especially romance and islamic motivation. The best novels I ever read are “I FOR YOU” by Orizuka, “Assalamu’alaikum,Beijing!” by Asma Nadia, “Uhibbuka Fillah”, “Kinanthi” by Tassaro GK, and “Negeri 5 Menara” by Ahmad Fuadi. I am never bored to read even reread those novels.

I am addicted t read novel again, and again. I like reading novel since I was in five grade in elementary school. At that time, my mother’s friend borrowed her novel, the title is Laskar Pelangi, and I tried to read that book. When I finished reading taht book, I am addicted to read fiction story again, and I am also addicted to collect some novels.

I always read novel in almost every leisure. Yet, it was in the past. Now, since I am in Pontren Karakter Muda Mapan Adh-Dhua, I do not have free time even just for do my hobby. It’s very sad. I really miss reading novel. Yet I realized what I am doing now here is more than useful than reading novel for my future. I hope so.

Sumpah Pemuda Day

Sumpah Pemuda Day
by : Fridalia SH

There is historical day on October in Indonesia. Every 28th October, Indonesian people commamorate that day as Sumpah Pemuda Day. In October 28th 86 years ago, Indonesian people especially teenagers said promises which contained about unity of Indonesia that we called Sumpah Pemuda. Sumpah Pemuda commamorated to increase Indonesian teenagers's spirit about Unity of Indonesia.

Many things can do to commamorate Sumpah Pemuda day, for example held a competition like Senior High School 1 Purwakarta did. In last 28th October, They held speech and debate competition. it's very useful things. beside to remembered students about Sumpah Pemuda day, this competition also can show student's secret talents. and, with theme about culture and unity of Indonesia, it can increase student's knowledge about unity and culture of their country.

                                                              (Source : )

Commamorate national day like Sumpah Pemuda day can increase our spirit about unity of Indoesia. and the spirit very important for our country. so, don't forget to commamorate national day for a better Indonesia!

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